Hare & Rabbit

Giorria Éireannach / Giorria gallda / Coinín

Rehabilitation of wildlife casualties requires a licence and a large investment of time and resources. It is mainly in the animal’s best interest to transfer it to an appropriately trained and equipped individual/organisation as soon as possible.

Before attempting to capture a wildlife casualty:

  • Observe, assess, discuss, then decide whether intervention is appropriate
  • All wild animals can potentially transmit disease and inflict serious injuries
  • Remember, your own safety is of paramount importance


FIRST try to call relevant contact number from CONTACT page for further advice


  • Follow capture instructions below
  • Capture ONLY if you have adequate equipment and container
  • Consider personal safety on roads e.g. reflective jackets, warning signs
  • Bring to a vet if possible, if not bring home temporarily
  • Follow husbandry advice for feeding and housing
  • Call relevant contact number from CONTACT page for further advice


  • If you can approach the animal lay a blanket/coat over the casualty for warmth
  • If animal is on the road, protect it from traffic if possible
  • Consider personal safety on roads e.g. reflective jackets, warning signs
  • Do not drag the animal off the road, IF safe to do so, lift it to a safe place on a coat/towel (see unconscious casualty capture)
  • Note exact location and call relevant person from CONTACT page

Ideally stay with the casualty until someone comes to help

**PLEASE NOTE Leverets and rabbit kits are one of the hardest species to hand-rear. They are extremely sensitive to stress and their mortality rate in captivity is higher than any other mammal in Ireland. If you have found a leveret or rabbit kit, please do not attempt to feed them anything and contact a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible.**

Short term housing
Place the leveret/rabbit kit in a secure box, covering it completely to reduce stress. The box should be lined with a generous amount of hay or straw for the animal to hide into. Use blankets if hay/straw is not available. Do not use any heat source unless the animal feels cold to the touch as they are sensitive to overheating. Keep the box in a quiet room with no disturbance until transport to a rehabilitator can be arranged.

Useful Items – towel, cat carrier or sturdy cardboard box, long-handled nets

Entanglement capture (e.g. caught in snare/fencing)

  • DO NOT CUT FREE AND RELEASE! (wounds may be more severe than they initially appear, and the animal may be dehydrated or malnourished if trapped for some time)
  • Cut wire so the animal can be rescued along with any embedded fencing section/snare
  • Lift into the open container. Support rump (rear end) as you lift. DO NOT LIFT BY THE EARS

Unconscious casualty capture (e.g. hit by car on road)

  • Cover with towel and lift into open waiting container

Net capture (if mobile)

  • Use long–handled net to pin the animal to the ground
  • Gently scruff, support rump, and put into container. DO NOT LIFT BY THE EARS

Trap capture (if mobile and unsuccessful with net)

  • Choose an area that the animal frequents on a daily basis
  • Place the trap with attractive food e.g. dandelion leaves
  • Remove uneaten food when bringing fresh food
  • Check trap at least every 6 hrs

Capture notes
Even if the animal is blind, a net will often still be required for capture
If casualty is on a road, attempt capture from road side and herd away from road
Consider personal safety on roads e.g. reflective jackets, warning signs
Crouch down when approaching – you appear less of a threat
Approach slowly, stopping if animal appears ready to flee

Cat or dog carrier
Sturdy cardboard box
Avoid direct sunlight – danger of overheating
Cover container with towel, darkness will reduce stress


Hold securely around the body, or hold by the scruff, and support rump as you lift
Spine is easily damaged if animal struggles too much with their back legs
Do not handle unnecessarily
Once captured do not try to calm animal by talking to it
Keep other domestic animals away

See SUPPLIES page for food and equipment mentioned below

Will climb out of container if not fully enclosed
Line container with newspaper covered with old towel
Cover container for stress reduction
House in quiet area away from domestic animals

  • Cat or dog carrier
  • Sturdy cardboard box

A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel can be used if rabbit/hare very sick and unable to stand
Beware overheating can also kill so give enough space that the badger can move away from the heat

Fresh grass, dandelion leaves, rabbit pellets
Bowl of drinking water if animal bright and alert

**PLEASE NOTE Leverets and rabbit kits are one of the hardest species to hand-rear. They are extremely sensitive to stress and their mortality rate in captivity is higher than any other mammal in Ireland. If you have found a leveret or rabbit kit, please do not attempt to feed them anything and contact a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible.**

Short term housing
Place the leveret/rabbit kit in a secure box, covering it completely to reduce stress. The box should be lined with a generous amount of hay or straw for the animal to hide into. Use blankets if hay/straw is not available. Do not use any heat source unless the animal feels cold to the touch as they are sensitive to overheating. Keep the box in a quiet room with no disturbance until transport to a rehabilitator can be arranged.

Rehabilitation of wildlife casualties requires a licence and a large investment of time and resources. It is mainly in the animal’s best interest to transfer it to an appropriately trained and equipped individual/organisation as soon as possible.

Before attempting to capture a wildlife casualty:

  • Observe, assess, discuss, then decide whether intervention is appropriate
  • All wild animals can potentially transmit disease and inflict serious injuries
  • Remember, your own safety is of paramount importance

Housing –Rabbit

  • Initially indoors in warm, quiet, dimly lit environment E.g. large plastic transport kennel with hay for bedding
  • When no longer needing heat move outdoors
  • Wooden cages should be avoided – impossible to sterilise
  • Wire mesh pen with covered sleeping area at one end
  • Hay inside covered area for bedding
  • Mesh on the base of the run may impede caecotrophy
  • If no mesh on the base of the run, move daily to prevent rabbit digging out
  • Leafy branches and logs for hiding, enrichment and stress reduction
  • House in quiet area away from domestic pets

Housing – Hare

Prone to post capture myopathy

  • Similar to deer regarding stress levels
  • House in quiet shed with hay for bedding
  • Disturb as little as possible
  • Keep away from outside noise, pets, children
  • If you decide to move outside, see above as for rabbit


  • Fresh hand–pulled grass, dandelion leaves, clover, and alfalfa
  • Rabbit pellets or gourmet rabbit mix
  • Heavy shallow bowl of drinking water
  • Convalescent diet – cereal based baby food
  • Always leave food available

Extra info for long term husbandry:

Weigh same time each day
Weight loss or static weight is an early indicator of underlying problems

At 3 weeks of age move to outdoor enclosure until ready for release at about 6 wks of age
See Housing in the husbandry Adult section of longer term care info above

Rehydration solution – Lectade or equivalent, initially
Canine milk replacement e.g. Esbilac
Bottles – pastette/pipettes or syringes, then esbilac bottles

Supplements Kits

  • Newborn –  add colostrums substitute to milk (1part colostrums : 2 parts milk)for first 2 days
  • Older – add ¼ tsp Bio Live Yoghurt to milk once daily
  • Dip bottle teat into Pancrex (for digestion) and Stress (calcium and phosphorus) once daily

Supplements Leverets

  • Add ¼ tsp Bio Live Yoghurt to milk once daily

Leverets wean earlier than kits
Leverets can be eating grass by 10 days of age
If bedded on hay they’ll begin eating it during the weaning process
Wean rabbits when teeth erupt, roughly 15 days of age
Encourage them to drink milk from bowl, should finish milk at roughly 4wks
Attach water drinking bottle to side of cage
Offer fresh grass, dandelion leaves, clover, and chickweed
Entice with small pieces of banana or Farley’s rusks
Provide Dry Rabbit Mix

Potentially prevent release
Ideally rear more than one of a species together
Keep human contact to absolute minimum

Pre release vaccination is recommended against:
Myxomatosis – after 6 wks of age

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease – after 10 weeks

Careful assessment and appropriate health checks should be carried out prior to release, as to the risks of released animals introducing new diseases into the wild population/environment

Release criteria/considerations
Need to be wild – wary/scared of humans, domestic animals and any other natural predators
Must be physically fit, mentally sound, stable body weight for over 7 days
Can’t be released if underweight, unable to recognise/eat normal diet etc
Must be of an appropriate weight for the age, sex, and time of year for the species
Do not release in winter unless it has sufficient body weight to cope with the cold
Ideally return to original location unless dangerous or unsuitable
Release away from roads, species specific predators, areas where they could cause damage
Consider natural history of the animal and the location of local wild groups of these animals
Release during a period of favourable weather
Ideally identify animal in some way e.g. tag, for post release monitoring/identification

Preferred habitat
Hare – upland heather moorland, lowland pasture, coastal grasslands
Rabbit – short grassy areas with low cover eg brambles/gorse, coastal grassy cliff tops, dry heathland
Needs to be plenty of natural cover for them to shelter immediately from danger

HARD RELEASE (direct release)

Hard release
The animal is simply allowed to exit a transport container with no further care or feed provision

Hard release candidates
Hard release technique only suitable if animal rescued as an adult and only if in captivity for short period of time, and only if to be released where originally found

Release timing
Preferably release as soon as possible for the maximum chance of survival
Ideally during the spring/summer months

Species specific considerations
Release away from main roads, in natural habitat, away from areas used for hunting, shooting, trapping, hare coursing, or where rabbits could cause agricultural damage

Ideally return to exact location animal was rescued
Open carrying cage and let animal leave in its own time
Release at dusk, on a mild night, and leave 

SOFT RELEASE (gentle or gradual release)
Kits/leverets (sometimes adults)

Soft release technique
Soft release aims to slowly reintroduce the animal to the wild while still in a comfort zone e.g. cage it was reared in, and allow the animal to leave the cage once confident and independent
It involves continuing to care for animals at the release site, and aims to compensate for difficulties of newly released animals finding food and shelter in a new environment

Soft release candidates
Essential release method for hand reared animals
Also suitable for adults that have been in care for a long period of time, or animals that cannot be released back to where they were found and so have to establish a new territory

Release timing
Preferably release May – September

Species specific considerations
Need to be approx 10 wks of age

Temporary cage placed in release location
Cage fully enclosed and containing complete with covered bedding area, natural cover, food and water
Animal fed only natural foods it will come across in the wild
Cage opened and left in–situ for animal to come and go until it feels confident enough not to return
Food provided, decreasing in quantity, until the animal no longer returns
Soft release may take days – weeks


*Compulsory licence details at end of document*

Let us not waste time complaining about the excessive bureaucratic legislation covering wildlife today. The intent was to provide protection for wildlife and the data is valuable.

If we don’t want to be legislated upon, or don’t like current legislation, we must offer legislative solutions. Apply for your licences but also email  your ideas for a more practicable solution for ‘policing wildlife rehabilitation’ in Ireland, to info@irishwildlifematters.ie

Mountain/Irish hare and Brown hare

Irish Wildlife Act 1976 and Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 – protected species
Berne Convention, Appendix 3 – protected species
EU Habitats Directive, Annex 5 – may be exploited only while it has a favourable conservation status.
Irish Red Data book – least concern
Wildlife (N.I.) Order of 1985 – protected species

Classified as a game or quarry species and may be hunted in open season with gun licence issued from the Garda
May be caught for coursing during open season, hares caught for coursing carried out under licence from NPWS to Irish Coursing Club, must comply with the rules of the Irish Coursing Club.
A specific licence can be obtained to course hares outside the open season.
The Minister may grant a licence to capture or kill for educational, scientific or other purposes
Hare hunting completely prohibited near Wexford Wildfowl Reserve.

Illegal to wilfully interfere with or destroy the breeding place
Shooting of wildlife for pleasure or sport is not permitted in National Parks or Nature Reserves owned by the State

Rescue and Rehabilitation
Due to their status as a protected species, a *licence MUST be applied for to the NPWS ‘to possess/retain an injured or disabled wild bird/animal’

Subject to the conditions set out in the licence provided ‘for the possession/retention of a wild bird/animal’

Irish Coursing Club rules – greyhounds must be muzzled, hares must be tagged pre-release to prevent being caught and coursed twice
Open season –26th Sept to 28th Feb.

Report suspicious activities or equipment to the NPWS Conservation Ranger (see CONTACTS page) 

* For a licence application form for the possession/ retention of a wild animal – click HERE

Post to the address below OR email to wildlifelicence@ahg.gov.ie

Wildlife Licence Unit
National Parks and Wildlife Service
Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
90 King Street North
Dublin 7
D07 N7CV

Phone: (064) 662 7300
Email: wildlifelicence@chg.gov.ie


Classified as a pest species so no licence required

Irish Red Data book – least concern
Legal status – none

Classified as a pest species and may be hunted all year round

Wildlife Order N.I – no hunting on Sundays or on Christmas Day
Shooting of wildlife for pleasure or sport is not permitted in National Parks or Nature Reserves owned by the State

Rescue and Rehabilitation
No licence required

No licence so no legislation

Report suspicious activities or equipment to the NPWS Conservation Ranger (see CONTACTS page)

Myxomatosis – Rabbits

Clinical Signs – swollen eyes, conjunctivitis, subcutaneous swellings/abscesses around ears, neck, head, nose and anogenital area
Diagnosis – clinical signs. Incubation period is 2 – 8 days
Treatment – supportive treatment, warmth, flea control. See drugs and dosages table for ‘St Tiggywinkles myxomatosis treatment’ reqime
Comments – quarantine for all rabbits on arrival for 10 days. Spread by fleas/ biting flies. Euthanase if fitting or suffering severe discomfort. Do not release if eyes need enucleating. Some do survive and pass on acquired immunity

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) – Rabbits

Clinical Signs – depression, anorexia, in–coordination, bloody mucous nasal discharge, respiratory distress, sudden death within 1 – 2 days
Diagnosis – clinical signs, none presented so far in rehabilitation
Treatment – disease too quick to treat. Vaccinate
Comments – transmitted by direct contact with infected animals and mechanically on equipment. Quarantine any rabbits that arrive

Pasteurellosis– Rabbits

Clinical Signs – upper respiratory tract infection, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, otitis media
Diagnosis – clinical signs, wound swab
Treatment – antibiotics, supportive care
Comments – common in pet rabbits, found as a secondary infection in wound infections and abscesses in wild rabbits

Treponematosis (Treponema cuniculi) – Rabbits & Hares

Clinical Signs – crusty inflamed lesions on face, perineum, and external genitalia
Diagnosis – clinical signs
Treatment – parenteral penicillin
Comments – most common in hares. Sexually transmitted disease

Leporine dysautonomia  – Hares

Clinical Signs – wasting disease, approachable, depression, emaciation, bowel impaction, gastric distension, inability to swallow, inhalation pneumonia, bladder distension, dilated pupils
Diagnosis – clinical signs, histology
Treatment – euthanasia
Comments – second most common cause of death of hares in Britain. Also confirmed in one rabbit

Road Traffic Accident

Clinical Signs – commonly fractures, sometimes ruptured diaphragms, livers or spleens
Diagnosis – examination and radiographs
Treatment – fractures – legs, pelvis or spine, treatment as per cat. Temporary splint and pain relief, surgery once stabilised. Pelvic fracture – cage rest, some advocate spaying female
Comments –remove any metalwork before release

Cat Attack

Clinical signs – lacerations, fractures, puncture wounds, fur loss, superficial to severe wounds
Diagnosis – clinical signs, history
Treatment –single dose of long acting amoxicillin and analgesic
Comments – mainly die due to septicaemia within 48hrs if untreated

Routine treatment with ivermectin recommended for endoparasites

Coccidia (Eimeria spp)

Clinical Signs – diarrhoea
Diagnosis – faecal samples
Treatment – sulphadimidine in water or sulphamethoxypyridazine
Comments – diarrhoea in rabbits is normally more serious and complicated than simply coccidian. Prophylactics – some proprietary rabbit foods contain a coccidiostat

Myiasis – maggot infestation

Clinical signs – visual infestation in open wounds or orifices
Diagnosis – clinical signs
Treatment –flush with water/ dilute triclosan, manually remove, apply dermisol. Use clippers for egg removal, or brush off. Inject with ivermectin. Only clean thoroughly once stabilised
Treat prophylactically if diarrhoea – insect powder e.g. Whiskas Exelpet or Rear Guard
Comments – check all new casualties routinely, especially if diarrhoea


Clinical Signs – overgrown incisors due to misaligned or damaged teeth
Diagnosis – clinical signs
Treatment – shorten incisors, possibly surgery if due to trauma
Comments – will overgrow again if misalignment not rectified. Un–releasable if untreatable


  • No quality of life when recovered
  • Disabled
  • Blind
  • Recurrent malocclusion
  • Leporine dysautonomia  in hares


  • Pentobarbital sodium


  • Sedation then IV injection
  • Sedation then IP injection

Drugs & Dosages
SC between shoulder blades or loose skin over chest
IM quadriceps
IO tibia/humerus
IP caudal to the umbilicus, avoid liver, kidneys, and caecum (right ventral abdomen)
IV jugular or lateral saphenous .Cephalic in adult hare
PO in food
Temperature (°C) 38.5 – 39.5
Pulse rate
(beats per minute)
180 to 325
Respiratory rate
(breaths per minute)
30 – 60

Serious risk of stress, shock and capture myopathy, especially if allowed to struggle
Ideally observe discreetly before examination – wildlife hide injuries

Hold securely around the body, or hold by the scruff, and support rump as you lift
Spine is easily damaged if they struggle too much with their back legs
Struggle and can scratch with back legs
Care, may freeze then suddenly jump

Can be susceptible to ‘hypnosis’ or ‘trancing’ for a few minutes if laid in dorsal recumbancy


  • Weigh
  • Warm up
  • Fluids
  • Drugs


  • Weigh
  • Warm up
  • If baby rabbit; stimulate to urinate/defecate
  • Fluids
  • Drugs
  • Treat for shock if indicated (see below)
  • Flea treatment – Whiskas Exelpet powder or Advantage. NOT frontline
  • Flea die–off – leave in cardboard box for 15mins (Fleas are myxomatosis vectors)
  • Dispose of the box/bedding brought in with the rabbit
  • Quarantine – 10 days
  • If myoxmatosis signs – treat and accommodate AWAY from any other rabbits

RTA casualties will often be suffering volume related shock, treat as below

Treatment for shock

  • Warmth (stop animal loosing heat, warm slowly)
  • IV fluids – Hartmann’s or Haemaccel (keep muzzle on to prevent chewing IV line)
  • Oxygen as required
  • Analgesia – very important to prevent consequential gut stasis

Steroids (ONLY if CNS trauma e.g. ‘Solu medrone V’ or dexamethasone)
Antibiotics if appropriate, IV
After treatment for shock, attend to conditions that are life threatening or could worsen over 24hrs

Assess every few hours. As soon as stable, sedate, examine thoroughly, and decide on a treatment plan or euthanise as appropriate


  • Induction important – quiet, dark, adequate time
  • Warmth – hot water bottle, bubble wrap, care not to overheat
  • Rabbits are unable to sweat and are very susceptible to hyperthermia
  • Injectables preferable due to breath holding if you try to mask down
  • Medetomidine or xylazine can be used with ketamine for GA

Surgical considerations

  • Tissue – thin, delicate and friable. Handle as little as possible
  • Bones – brittle, shatter easily. Orthopaedic repairs similar to cats
  • Blood – clots quickly. Blood volume 55-65ml/kg, losses above 20-25% lead to shock
  • Omentum – small, prone to adhesions. Care not to introduce foreign materials – talc, lint
  • Suturing – swaged needles, fine suture material
  • Skin sutures – continuous SC or tissue adhesive